1505 Bellows Falls Rd Charlestown, NH
We are situated to east of the connecticut river.
Current Occupancy: 80%
Come visit us:
1505 Bellows Falls Rd Charlestown, NH
Tiny Village Park welcome dogs & cats for pet lovers provided that pet management rules are followed. We make sure that each tenant feels safe & comfortable around their neighbors' pet.
Tiny Village Park warrants that the sewage drains in the residences are in good functioning condition and will accept the regular household waste.
The park environment is earthly and close to downtown. We provide a safe environment for your home and family.
Park your tiny home of a maximum area of 400 sq. ft.
Tiny Village Park ensures that there is no shortage of water.
We use a separate electric meter for each tenant's home. Each monthly reading of the power usage is accurate and correct.
Grass cutting and snow plowing is done by the park management.
Lot 8 1505 Bellows Falls Rd,
Lot 9, 1505 Bellows Falls Rd,
Lot 14 1505 Bellows Falls Rd,
Lot 15 1505 Bellows Falls Rd,
147 Tonys Lane, Jamaica, VT
6545 VTRT 30 West Townshend, Vermont 05359
Disclaimer : Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500sLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.